Hi everyone! Are you having a nice half term?- I am :)
Yesterday I did cooking and reading, and today I'm off to see friends :) If you would like any ideas for things to do, look below:
Knitting is great. I started a knitting project a week ago, and I'm already quite a way through it! I was getting really cold at night from a draught, so I decided to start making a blanket. I am using size 5 knitting needles, and some nice thick wool. :) I am currently casting on 16, and knitting 14 rows for each square. I'm hoping to make a nice big blanket, so I'm knitting 90 of these. Only 82 to go! Most people think knitting is a boring, time consuming activity. But these squares only take 10 to 20 minutes each, and I can pick my knitting up whenever I want. By the way, the spool of wool that I'm using is extra large, 400g, so the squares aren't that small!
I like to do cooking as well, and here is what I made:
Apple, Orange and Pear Pie, Homemade Vegetable and cheese scones. The recipes for these are on the "Food and Cooking" page.
Cooking is good, because it keeps your siblings happy (for a while, anyway!), and it is fun :)
One of my favourite things to do is to read. I got out a book from the library recently, it's called: The Dragon's Eye. It's from the Dragonology series, and it's really good :) It's about a a brother and sister, and how they discover Drogonology.
Rollerblading is also really fun. I do this often, and it's great :) Ice skating helps to do this, and I recommend them both! Lemons are possible on blades, while spins are not. Warning: do not try rollerblading after heavy rain.